1st School in India with a Dedicated Sports Science Center for Athletes
In sports, measuring is essential. The science surrounding physical activity and sport has been experiencing unstoppable growth for more than 30 years. Increasing the performance of athletes via strategies and recommendations backed by scientific evidence has become a necessity to boost athletic performance. The Center for Sports Science team has been dedicated to offering this support to The Sports School which is the 1st School in India with a Dedicated Sports Science Center for Athletes, in conducting sport-specific assessments and designing need-based programs for sustaining and pushing performance enhancement of our young athletes. The first round of assessments was conducted in the month of August-September and detailed analyses were carried out for MSK screening, nutrition, psychology, and fitness along with recommendations indicating areas where each athlete is good and/or needs improvement.
Currently, team CSS is running multiple interventions and programs at TSS:
1) Our Strength and Conditioning (SnC) coaches are conducting weekly programs based on the analysis of athletes’ fitness levels besides working on furthering their general biomechanics of all sports-related mobility and movements.
2) The Physiotherapy team is offering regular need-based treatment, group rehabilitation programs for athletes with common injuries, frequent injury prevention sessions to educate athletes about the regions of their body that are prone to injuries, and maintaining a record of injuries for an individual athlete, their progress and return to sports.
3) Our Sports Psychologist has been offering athletes mental health support via coaches’ or school recommendations, although athletes are also welcome to seek help on self-referrals. She has also been holding regular mental skills training sessions for each sport to help athletes gain an edge over their mental game.
4) Our Performance Nutritionist offers dietary advice to help athletes avoid nutritional deficiencies and subsequent injuries. He also emphasizes educating players on the need for electrolyte intake during training sessions and the need for being wise while opting for supplements that may contain banned substances for several sports.
The entire team works closely with the coaches and parents, holding regular meetings to discuss performance goals and modify training/intervention plans according to on and off-seasons as per the tournament calendar. Moreover, the team looks forward to tapping trends and patterns in athletes’ long-term development and performance analysis with assessments planned twice or thrice every year. Thus, together with sports physiology, behavior analysis, sports psychology, and strength and conditioning, new methodological trends, latest training proposals and even the implementation of statistical techniques to gather a concrete understanding of athletes’ progress are some factors driving the focus of the CSS team.
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